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Category «News»

Beyond React Templates: Flatlogic’s Early Vision

Flatlogic was founded in 2013 with a clear vision: to simplify the process of web and mobile application development. Initially, they focused primarily on creating and selling React templates, although they also offered Angular and Bootstrap templates. These React templates were designed to help developers quickly build admin dashboards and other essential components of web …

Blogging Software

With blogging becoming increasingly popular, there is also an increasing need for software to simplify the process of blogging. However, there are many different software packages available which can make selecting a package seem overwhelming. Selecting a software package does not have to be difficult though. Bloggers can find websites which provide comparison charts for …

Displaying Scheduled (Upcoming) Posts in WordPress

If you like to schedule posts ahead of time (especially on the podcast), there’s a way to show your readers what posts are coming up next: <h2>Upcoming Posts:</h2><?php $my_query = new WP_Query(‘post_status=future &order=DESC&showposts=5’); if ($my_query->have_posts()) { while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?> <?php the_date(); ?> – <?php the_title(); ?> <?php endwhile; } ?> This will display …

How to set default value for jQuery UI Slider

The jQuery UI slider has option named “value”, which can be used to set the value of the slider. //Code Starts ​$(document).ready(function() { var iValue = 18; $(“#lbl”).text(iValue); $(“#slider”).slider( { min:0, max:100, value:iValue, slide:function(event,ui) { $(“#lbl”).text(ui.value); } }); });​ //Code Ends

Backup and restore Drupal sites with Drush

Backup and restore Drupal sites with Drush Submitted by abhishek on Thu, 11/08/2012 – 17:10 Drush is a really great tool! It provides two very useful commands to perform backup and restore operations on Drupal sites. Previously we had to create and restore sql dump and files tarball manually. With new Drush it’s really easy. Please check …

Create Order through Custom Code in Commerce [drupal cms]

function make_new_commerce_order($uid, $productID, $qty, $bc_order_id) { $cuser = user_load(array(‘uid’ => $uid)); $order = commerce_order_new($uid, ‘pending’); //Set order Number $order->order_number = $bc_order_id; $order->mail = $cuser->mail; // Save the order so its ID is assigned. commerce_order_save($order); // create an UC order for this user/product/qunatity $order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper(‘commerce_order’, $order); //add products to order by ids array $product = …

JP Articles Slider

Description JP Articles Slider (Joomla Articles Slider Extensions – Module) helps to slide your articles from Joomla! categories support joomla 3.x in showing your specific articles. The module build-in powerful admin panel. You can define number of items to display, column(s) follow bootstrap 3.3.4 , show controls button or not, show indicators or not, enable …

Delivery date for Virtuemart

Description Nowadays, shipping is an important issue that most online businesses focus on. For online items, an automatic shipping management is necessary to ensure every order to be delivered on time. Product Delivery date for Virtuemart 3.0.2 plugin can do you even more than that. It will control delivery time and date automatically instead of …

JSP Store Locator

Description JSP Store Locator for joomla provides rich interface to search and display dealer/office locations for a company who owns offices in multiple locations using Google Maps or Bing Maps. JSP Store Locator provides easy to use interface for searching location, zip code, area code and provides Google map to display the locations. Administrator can …