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Category «News»

Use Article Marketing in Blogging

Blogging is a great way to get traffic to your website, and if you create a blog for no other reason than that, you are practically certain to get positive results. Blogging and traffic are made for each other, and there are several ways of using blogs to promote products on your site. The first …

Bringing trafic to a blog

Let me start by saying I’m a huge fan of blog carnivals. They’re not without their drawbacks, of course, but the benefits entirely outweigh the investment of effort and time that you give them. That’s why it shocks me that blog carnivals aren’t more popular. Yes, the first few times that you participate in them, …

Writing a blog

In the previous article in this series, I mentioned what blog carnivals are and why all new bloggers should be participating in them. In the event that you missed that post, let me review briefly the benefits to participating in blog carnivals: They improve your authority You immediately get profitable, regular subscribers of your partner …

A Beginners Guide To Blogging: How To Start A Blog

It is logical for a beginners guide to blogging to begin with information on how to start a blog. However, first a brief introduction to what a blog actually is. A blog is nothing more than your online diary or journal, in which you can express your feelings, thoughts, and opinions or even advertise your …