Blogs have become a major new tool in the marketing arsenal of online marketers. It is part of the phenomenon known as web 2.0. Web 2.0 is the name used to describe interactive web interfaces, where the end user supplies much of the content.
For your blog to be an effective marketing tool, it still needs the same requirement of any successful website, traffic. With out traffic your blog is no more than a personal diary that you have locked up in a drawer. No one will ever see it. The logical question follows, How do you get traffic to your blog?
If you are familiar with some of the methods of driving traffic to a conventional website, then you know some of the ways to get traffic to your blog. All the methods that work with a website will also work with a blog.
Those methods would include pay per click advertising, article marketing, PR releases, paid advertising, and search engine optimization. The only difference is you send the traffic to your blog instead of to your website. The advantage of traffic generation for blogs is you have tools available beyond the traditional methods.
Blogs allow you to go beyond the conventional traffic generation methods because of their special attributes. By their nature, blogs are highly volatile sites. They are constantly being updated with new content. New posts are made and new comments are submitted, often multiple times a day.
Because blogs change so quickly readers want to know when there is new content on blogs that they are interested in. Because of this some new notification tools evolved. One involves what is known as pinging.
Because blogs change so fast, as a way of keeping track of the changed blogs, search sites needed to keep track of blog changes. Most blogs can automatically notify or ping these search sites each time there is a new post or a post that was updated. These search sites take this information and create a separate database that can be searched that is composed entirely of new blog material.
You need to make sure that your blog can automatically ping the search sites. Once you determine that then you need to make sure that it is configured properly to do that. Last you need to know which sites are being pinged so that you can make sure you are notifying the most popular sites.
A search on Google can get you some good information on blog search engines that you can ping. One of the most popular is Technorati. You can go to and find instructions that teach you how to set up pinging to her site no matter what blog system you are using.
As blogs and blog directories continued to evolve so did pinging resources. There are free services now that you can ping that will turn around and relay that ping to dozens of blog search engines. Using a service like that can greatly simplify your new post notifications. A well known one is
Blog traffic generation is evolving at a rapid pace. The conventional traffic methods still work to drive traffic to your blog. To maximize your blog traffic you need to utilize new tools that have evolved along with blogs themselves. One of the most important is pinging. Make sure you are notifying the best blog search directories every time your blog changes. The more places readers can find your blog listed, the more traffic you stand to gain.