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JP Articles Slider


JP Articles Slider (Joomla Articles Slider Extensions – Module) helps to slide your articles from Joomla! categories support joomla 3.x in showing your specific articles. The module build-in powerful admin panel. You can define number of items to display, column(s) follow bootstrap 3.3.4 , show controls button or not, show indicators or not, enable auto slide or not, category filtering…

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Upgrated to version 3.0.1

  • Removed backlinks on module

Upgrated to version 3.0.2

– Fixed for the conflict css of the bootstrap and page.

– Fixed for the conflict js of the Bootstrap 2 on the joomla 3 and Bootstrap 3 of the module.

– Addition function Fade-in Fade-out for slide.

Upgrated to version 3.0.3

  • Removed backlinks
  • Fixed responsive layout.