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Komento is an advanced comment extension that allows your website visitors to comment on articles, blogs and product pages. 

Komento was one of the winners of the Community Choice Extensions in the JED in December 2012 because of its powerful and useful features. 

Komento is highly secured, lightweight and compatible with all Joomla versions and it is free to download. 

Why Komento?

  1. Instantly activate user interaction and get feedback from visitors to your site.
  2. Professionally control all incoming comments or spam in one easy centralized system.
  3. Migrate comments from EasyBlog and other comment extensions and have them display in Komento. 
  4. Komento handles comments in K2, EasySocial, JomSocial, FlexiContent, ZOO, EasyBlog 3.5, VirtueMart, redSHOP, and more. 
  5. Control certain activity that a particular user or user group can do in the comments area.

Main Features:

  • Insert comments and share in social networks
  • Share the location of the comment with Google Maps.
  • Built-in Access Control List (ACL)
  • Excellent comment spam protection 
  • Word filtering and automatic word replacement
  • View comments in-line or nested style
  • Email notifications of new/updated comments
  • Layout customizations using CSS styling
  • Able to report inappropriate comments 

View the Komento demo at 

Additional Features:

  • Sticky comments to feature the best comments
  • Users can ‘Like’ comments posted
  • Conversation bar displaying other involved commentors
  • Avatar integration with Gravatar, EasySocial, EasyBlog, JomSocial, Community Builder, and more.
  • Bundled with 4 themes to match (only for Professional version)
  • Built-in comment migrators for other comment extensions

Komento versions:

Komento Free:
– Joomla Articles
– EasyBlog
– Cobalt 8

Komento Pro*:
– AceShop
– FlexiContent
– HWDMediaShare
– JEvents
– K2
– MosetsTree
– Ohanah
– RedShop
– SobiPro
– Virtuemart

Integration provided by 3rd party:
– MijoShop
– JUNewsUltraPro
– FW Gallery
– FW Real Estate
– HD Video Share
– Music Collection
– Jblance

  • For pro components

For full features listing, visit

The paid Komento version entitles you professional technical support. The free version gets community support from our forums. Details at