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Tag «cms joomla versus wordpress versus drupal»

Create Order through Custom Code in Commerce [Drupal CMS]

function make_new_commerce_order($uid, $productID, $qty, $bc_order_id) { $cuser = user_load(array(‘uid’ => $uid)); $order = commerce_order_new($uid, ‘pending’); //Set order Number $order->order_number = $bc_order_id; $order->mail = $cuser->mail; // Save the order so its ID is assigned. commerce_order_save($order); // create an UC order for this user/product/qunatity $order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper(‘commerce_order’, $order); //add products to order by ids array $product = …

Instant Product Search for Virtuemart

Description When the content of a website gets richer and richer and there is no way to showcase all of your products on homepage, it’s time to equip a powerful search engine for your store. Virtuemart Ebay Instant Keyword Search Module helps your customers to look up for their favorite products by a lot of …