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Give your WordPress Website A Full Checkup [3 easy Steps]

Give your WordPress Website A Full Checkup in 3 easy Steps: 1: Check for Overcrowding Extensive research by Top Seo Professionals has revealed that websites on Shared IP’s will not rank as high in search engines.  Furthermore, the more websites hosted on the same server, the slower your WordPress site will be further degrading SEO rankings …

LifeStreaming With WordPress

When it comes to all the social media that people have, it can be a bit… well, overwhelming sometimes.  It almost feels like you’re trying to drink out of a firehose.  Twitter, Facebook, RSS feeds, Yelp reviews, Brightkite updates… there are hundreds of different ways to tell people what we’re up to when we’re not …

Displaying Scheduled (Upcoming) Posts in WordPress

If you like to schedule posts ahead of time (especially on the podcast), there’s a way to show your readers what posts are coming up next: <h2>Upcoming Posts:</h2><?php $my_query = new WP_Query(‘post_status=future &order=DESC&showposts=5’); if ($my_query->have_posts()) { while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?> <?php the_date(); ?> – <?php the_title(); ?> <?php endwhile; } ?> This will display …

Importing Google Calendar into WordPress

For those of you who use your calendars in Google (and Google Apps), you sometimes find the need to display your events.  Speaking events, personal vacations, travelling; there are any number of reasons why you’d need to show an event list.  But, keeping track of multiple calendars is a pain.  So, take the easy solution …

How to set default value for jQuery UI Slider

The jQuery UI slider has option named “value”, which can be used to set the value of the slider. //Code Starts ​$(document).ready(function() { var iValue = 18; $(“#lbl”).text(iValue); $(“#slider”).slider( { min:0, max:100, value:iValue, slide:function(event,ui) { $(“#lbl”).text(ui.value); } }); });​ //Code Ends

56 best practices for Drupal performance

I can across this article which I thought was a very good collection of tips to improve drupal performance. If you are a beginner you would be doing some of these, but I am sure you will learn a lot from this. I. Basic Setup and Configuration (16 tips)Correctly configure Block Visibility settingsDisable ‘Rebuild theme …

how to recover grub in redhat linux?

Friends !If your windows boot-loader Get corrupted you can use the windows boot disk to boot your system in recovery console and can run the command# fixboot#fixmbrTo repair your windows boot loader. The same i am here going to tell you about linux. First Thing i am going to corrupt my linux grub. by typing …

Backup and restore Drupal sites with Drush

Backup and restore Drupal sites with Drush Submitted by abhishek on Thu, 11/08/2012 – 17:10 Drush is a really great tool! It provides two very useful commands to perform backup and restore operations on Drupal sites. Previously we had to create and restore sql dump and files tarball manually. With new Drush it’s really easy. Please check …

Create Order through Custom Code in Commerce [Drupal CMS]

function make_new_commerce_order($uid, $productID, $qty, $bc_order_id) { $cuser = user_load(array(‘uid’ => $uid)); $order = commerce_order_new($uid, ‘pending’); //Set order Number $order->order_number = $bc_order_id; $order->mail = $cuser->mail; // Save the order so its ID is assigned. commerce_order_save($order); // create an UC order for this user/product/qunatity $order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper(‘commerce_order’, $order); //add products to order by ids array $product = …